

Meet Luke Shaw


Luke Shaw is Providior’s Co-Founder and Business Development Manager. But more than that, Luke’s authentic approach to building relationships and finding genuine solutions has made him a firm client favourite. Find out why Luke’s values have helped set Providior apart. Luke, you co-founded Providior seven years ago. What’s different now than in [...]

Meet Luke Shaw2021-04-14T00:30:21+00:00

5 tips to playing the cash flow game


How well are you playing the game? Cash flow management is a game with strategy behind it. Sometimes, trying to work out where a payment is buried inside complicated client organisation structures can be as hard as working out who is aligned to whom in Games of Thrones. While most of your [...]

5 tips to playing the cash flow game2019-10-21T16:35:24+00:00

Latest trends in non-bank finance


So what’s new in the non-bank finance sector, and what does this mean for your business growth opportunities? The demand for niche financial services has never been so strong. This demand is partly due to the findings of the banking royal commission, which has been big news for the last couple of years. [...]

Latest trends in non-bank finance2019-10-21T16:37:06+00:00
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